Monday, 27 February 2012

Presenting the Ugly Swoon Block

Ta Dah! (I've always wanted to say that - in a blog sense!)

One completed Ugly Swoon Block:

what do you think? Is it ugly enough, or should I hunt out a worse fabric combination? (I thought that the original choice was awful - not sure how I could come up with soemthing to top it out of my stash).

I leave you with a close up (er - just ignore those stray threads please? I couldn't wait to share my "masterpiece". Lol)
 Edited to add a photo taken in daylight:


  1. Hello! Thank you for stopping by my blog. I think your quilting effort is AMAZING! The colours work perfectly, it reminds me of a marigold. Beautiful work. Do you have grand plans for it?

    1. Honestly Louise - it really is ugly! (Go and search Swoon-a-long on Flickr and you can see some amazing blocks)Thank you for your kind comments though - I used it as a practice to try and improve my points (with mixed success!)
